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Soul Mates and 111

Find My Soul Mate I have eternally been on my quest for my soul mate, other half, twin flame, twin ray since I was very young. I knew about soul families and soul mates from a very young age without anyone ever having to tell me about them or explain it. I knew certain friends, teachers, family members, romantic interests were soul mates. I had this realization well before the age of ten. I knew we walked many lifetimes together in spiritual agreement to help one another here on this plane for the joy and lessons we came here to experience. Still, I sought for the ONE.

I have read different articles about 111 and 1111 being connected to your soul mate, that many begin to experience these signs when they are close to finding or have found their soul mate. I have also read that before you can find your soul mate you have to attain a certain degree of evolution here and master areas of love that allow for the full and true expression of self love.

Self Love ~ The 11 Path To Your Soul Mate

It is said you may not be with your soul mate until you are a vibrational match to them, and since they are you, that you can not love them and vibrationally tune to them and attract them and hold them if you are not vibrationally attuned to yourself and love yourself and know yourself. Go back and read that sentence eleven times, or until you “get it”.

Love Yourself Attract Your SoulmateYou must be in tune to your own truth and love your own self truly and accept yourself before you are in vibrational harmony with your own spirit, your own flame…that once you are in harmony to your own flame – you can then attract and hold the flame of the other you – your soul mate. From this perspective one must find oneself, know oneself, express oneself, and love oneself. This is the vibrational axis of the energetic attraction for the soul mate manifestation.

What that has to do with 1111 is not so much that 111 is they key to finding your soulmate or confirming you have found them, but the confirmation you have found you. Once you have found you, then your own flame will be attracted back into you and you will have them. In a way, 1111 could be considered a soul mate manifestation tool, but it’s really fundamentally a self soul manifestation, awareness, truth compass. In the loving and accepting of your SELF you attract in the match of your soul. It is not your other half, but your soul amplification and perfect balance. The 1 soul and the 1 soul match, united they form the 11. This is the number of soul mates.

Your Soul Mate is the Vibrational Match to You

We do change and grow over time and experience new and deeper versions of our personal truth. From these attraction points we can, should, and will have very significant romantic partnerships. During those partnerships, the vibrating and holding of the relationship reflects who we are at that time. It is not only possible but likely that we have many romantic soul mates, and we entertwine with them as we move along the path of our evolution calling in the next closest vibrational match to who we are.

The idea is that eventually we will attain and sustain a vibration of our highest self and at that point would draw in the twin flame, or twin ray actualized highest self, source essence soul mate. I believe when this occurs it feels very balanced – yin yang, as the male and female energies are wholly balanced and this union will feel like a perfect complement of two energies forming one balanced composite essence. Where one is weak the other is strong, where one is over, the other is under. There is duality and delicate balance simultaneously that renders a unified energy in a sacred balance. When we attain that highest vibration of our highest self, in other words the highest version of ourselves we came here to be, then we will be in the 111 vibration.

Recognizing Your 111 Soul Mate

The knowing in this will be the following: your soul mate will always invoke you to your highest state of love. In their presence your energy will naturally and without a great deal of effort, flow and rest and passionately fluxuate in a peaceful, content, and yet excited way all at the same time. You will find that your tongue is humbled, your ego is contained, your truth pours out fearlessly, your love for your other and yourself is unconditional, forgiveness is given before the transgression, support, protection, comfort and understanding are as inherent in the nature of the relationship as is breathing. No words are necessary because your eyes, souls, energies, and intellects are so connected that you are often telepathic or intuitively knowing what the other is thinking and feeling. You two will be able to read one another and be honest, vulnerable and deeply connected.

When With Your Soul Mate – The Best You Emerges

Soul Mate Balance Yin Yang Energy

When you are with your soul mate, they will bring out the best in you, and you will appreciate yourself because you will love yourself because something about them and the relationship brings out the best in you, the spiritual in you, the passionate, the dreamy, the couragious, and the heroic.

Soul Mate Reflection – Flaws Mirrored

The lunatic will emerge from time to time when you are out of alignment and your lesson is from looking at your flaws which you may not be able to recognize until you see them in your other as a mirror of truth held up to you. These are the times we think we are infuriated with our other, but really it is with ourselves, for we have glimpsed into the mirror of truth. We would not be able to be affected by another so deeply and care to that degree if it did not touch a nerve within us, which shows us our own flaws through reflection.

Soul Mates Have a Natural Healing Effect

Soul Mate Healing

Without even having to try, your soulmate will have a natural healing effect upon you, an elevating effect, a calming effect, and exciting effect, and you will find yourselves sharing in ways you never did before, being more gentle than you have ever been, being fiercely protective as you become the guardians of one another, and you will feel that you are HOME – energetically, and spiritually. You will realize in those moments with your other that you were meant to be on this planet and live this life and enjoy this experience. Through the connection with your other you will more greatly embrace the experience f your humanity here and have an appreciation for existence upon this plane, however trying and difficult it can be by earthly measures.

Beyond this some will also experience a more physical experience of healing, such that in the presence or the touch of your soul mate, severe physical pain may be diminished or contained entirely. From something as minor to having a headache that is cured in the presence of the soul mate, to more serious injury such as a break or burn, for some paired soul mates, they will find their other physically heals them. For many paired soul mates, they will be healers to each other.

Soul Mates Connection to Divine Source

Spiritual Soul Mates

For many of you, the first time you feel like you actually belong on this planet in this time, space dimension will be after you have experienced the finding and being with your soul mate. You will feel both a sense of purpose and closure around the experience of humanity. You will know a level of connectedness you had only once dreamed existed, and in knowing that you will experience divinity and come to a new understanding of God. In your connectedness experience with your soul mate you will sense the connectedness in all other things and the connectedness of all things to the creative life force. Being with your soul mate will perpetuate deeply spiritual experiences and knowings which are bridges to God. Something in your energy and the energy of your soul mate tethers together as a twisted braid. The attraction and polarity of the energy between you forms an ark of light, which in turn is a portal to the divine.

Mind Blowing Soul Mate Sex

Soul Mate SexSexually, when you come together in physical union with your other, it will be so mind blowing, especially with the telepathy and body language reading in the bedroom that you will realize after you have been with your soulmate that before that time you never truly loved before. The sexual intensity and emotion will be so far off the map from anything you have ever experienced before that it will not even be in the same star system. It will scare you a little, because your attraction will be so deep and profound, that you both know without ever having to say it to each other, that you will never feel like this for any other being in this life.

Soul Mate Sex Too Soon ~ Abandonment

Soul Mate ProblemsOn the flip side, it can happen that soul mates are physically joined before they are in awareness of their bond. If both are not in awareness and acceptance, there can be problems at the sexual level. By problems, I do not mean things wont “work”, the sex will still be amazing. I mean that one or both may not be able to psychologically handle the rush of emotions and the strength and the truth of the connection; which is almost always brought into awareness once that sexual energy has been exchanged. If the soul mates are not ready for this it can have dire consequences to the relationship. The power of it, when not handled properly – when there is not an honest disclosure of feelings can be devastating. To have such a profound experience of emotion and love, blindly, without any insight into the other or knowing how the other feels for you is crippling. It can end up causing soul mate abandonment, and extreme jealousy.

Not Yet Knowing You Are Soul Mates

Do not make the mistake of thinking that soul mates inherently know who they are at the beginning. Should timing fall that sexual exchange occurs before this awareness, there is a risk things will go and possibly end badly. It is just too powerful a force to accept, contain and process, outside the context of a safe mutual and acknowledged committed relationship. This is further compounded if alcohol is involved or if for any reason, both are not in the right state of mind. Extreme shame, fear and anger can result when sexual exchange takes place before it was meant to and before both soul mates can truly handle it. I would offer, the litmus test for that is the feeling of emotional safety you will have, that is only possibly by a soul mate love.

Soul Mate Luck

Soul Mate LuckYour soul mate connection will be so clear and intense that anyone standing within 50 feet will sense it and notice it. It will be so inspired that luck will be abundant, things will work out better than you hoped, together goals will be reached, the stars will align, the mountains will move, and your faith will be unshakeable. Others will see that you have something amazing and natural and gentle and sweet, yet passionate and intense and without knowing why, they will conspire to help you and support you and aid you. You will experience a level of universal cooperation, harmony and things falling into place that it truly will seem uncanny and very “lucky”. It is simply the universe responding to your vibration of connection, and peace and centered-ness and delivering more matching vibrations of all that is harmonic and cooperative.

In the 111 Soulmate Vibration

111 Soul MatesTogether you will be a force, and an energy that uplifts, heals and elevates others. When you have found these things, then you are in the 111 soulmate vibration of the highest essence of your beingness. You will feel loved even before they have told you, you will know you are loved before they say it for the first time, and when they tell you they love you, then you will believe it because you will feel it, you will know it…it will be the most assured feeling of love you will have ever known. They could tell you they hate you, but you would still feel their love. Your worst day with your soul mate will be better than the best day of a non soul mate couple.

Recognizing Your Soul Mate by Their Eyes

Soul Mate EyesThere will be something in their eyes that will mesmerize you. You will be able to, and inclined to stare into one anothers eyes for long periods of time. Your touch upon each other will be profound, and it will be an anchor to this physical humanity. For many, you will have dreamed of them long before meeting in person and you will recognize them on site. This is known as love at first sight. You will have a deep feeling of recognition and infatuation as you try to remember, like in a dream, just where you know them from. No matter how many days, weeks or years go by, their eyes will still have this effect upon you. You will have this deep fascination to just watch them, to observe them, in all they do. You will never grow bored or tired of staring at them and admiring them.

Recognizing Your Soul Mate by Their Touch

Soul Mate TouchTheir touch upon you will invoke a responsiveness physically and emotionally like you have never experienced. You will feel free and uninhibited sexually. Emotionally you will always stand up for yourself and speak your truth and you will always respect one another.

Her Soul Mate

Her Soul MateAs a female you will respect this man more than any man you have ever known. Wanting to please him will be ingrained into the fiber of your being. You will have no want for another man. When another man minds you attention, you will instead long for your other, because nothing will come close to what he gives you. You will always be mindful to be gentle with him and soft and open to him, and this will come so easily to you, that it will always feel natural and femenine and will temper your masculine energy that is part of your essence in the other areas of life, but that is not needed with your other, because he is the masculine force and has earned the right to guide and direct you. There may be times you will try to resist his bless, his energy, his will, his authority – but it will be to no avail and you will quickly submit, and in that submission feel the deepest sense of devotion and committment and contentment, that you will wonder why you even attempted to resist.

His Soul Mate

His Soul MateAs a male, your body will never let you betray her. It simply will not “work”. You will feel exhausted some days and she will come to you, and in her needing you, and your generous gifts of giving, you will have your energy immediately renewed. You will know you are her king and you will cherish the throne she has placed you upon. You will know when she looks into your eyes she has never, and will never look at another in such a way. You will sense by her always watching you, waiting for you, adoring you, and respecting you that her love is true and only for you. You will feel a sense of security, pride and confidence in yourself and your relationship because you will be completely sure without even having to question it, that no other man will ever read her, understand her, impassion her, inspire her, or take care of her in the perfect way that only you can. You will have the profound awareness and acceptance that you are her deepest desire, her best friend, her trusted adviser, her teacher, her guardian, her inspiration, and her owner, keeper and master. You will cherish her adoration and know it is only you, your touch, your eyes, your stare, your approval, your attention that she will ever desire or need to flourish. You will take great pride in your angel knowing she will always be soft and accepting toward you, and that you will never let her down.

The Soul Mate Disposition

Happy Couple SoulmatesTogether, you will never let the sun go down upon your anger. You will always strive to be kind, courteous, unselfish, affectionate, helpful, honest, loyal, and sweet to one another. You will make one another laugh, bring one another happiness, and bring joy to each other. You will want most of all for the other to be happy and you will give one another the room to be who you are. You will respect the needs of one another, and grant space when it is needed, silence when spirit commands, and you will have complete faith in the universe that brought you together and takes care of you and supports you.

You will work together an in cohesion with the flow of source. Together you will honor the gift of the message of resistance by surrenduring the need to have everything go exactly according to plan. In living in the present fully and completely aware, you will experience the life force of source and your relationship as its own being. Through one another and your own source soul connections you will be fully participating in life and plugged in to each other and into your families in a real and meaningful way. For each of you the most important thing in the world is loving the other. Each of you will have the capacity to expand and give and receive at the equivalent level of the other. Together you will feel balanced, content, passionate, free and expansive. Together your expression will be greater than it ever could have been alone.

Soul Mate Time Shifting

When you are in presence of one another in physical or emotional consciousness you will frequently experience time shifting, where the time seems to race by, be lost, or missing time. You will frequently find yourselves in awe of the time on the clock hardly believing so much time has passed. When you are apart time shifting will swing from time moving extremely rapidly so that it scarcely felt you were apart for days at a time to time shifting so slowly that you will depart one another and within hours feel as though you have not seen one another in days or weeks. This time shifting will seem confusing, as it is a perceptual adjustment as the soul longs to unite itself back unto itself but is unable to when you can not be in physical presence.

Whenever the time shifting occurs, you will experience it simultaneously. There will not be a difference in one of you feeling time fast and the other slow, you will always perceive it the same. When you feel lost time and that the time is passing rapidly and it feels engaging and exciting, this will be felt by you both. When time seems to drag on endlessly, so to will you perceive this together.

Soul Mate Time ShiftAs you grow closer to your soul mate the time shifts will become more dramatic. As a consciousness infusion begins to take place once you have reached a level of closeness and intimacy you may actually start to experience physical pain as a result of physical absence. At the same time other physical infusions will begin to manifest like you both having a headache as the same time, or one of you suddenly becoming extremely sleepy when the other one lies down for a nap in the next town, or feelings of hunger, restlessness, peace, contentment and even illness will be shared between you.
You will be so in synch with one another, there will rarely ever be issues with biorhythms. As synchronization occurs over time you will also experience profound timing in your lovemaking.

Physical Disturbances After Meeting Your Soul Mate

For some the energy exchanges during the synchronization process over time can be overwhelming. Being in presence with your soul mate at times can cause such an energy disturbance that some unexpected things can happen. For one, where you may hope and expect to blissfully lie in each others arms and drift off into sleep – what you may experience is the opposite!

You may have times where your energies are so amped up that you will literally lay in bed awake all night causing each other to toss and turn because your energies and spirits want to still interact with one another all night, while your bodies are begging for rest. It is not uncommon for soul mates to report serious sleep disturbances as they worked through the synchronization process.

Another reason for this is telepathic and psychic energy passing back and forth is transmitting communication at a subconscious level and listening at a subconscious level, so that when we are around our soul mates we are in a constant broadcast and receiver mode. If you are not a natural empath or intuitive and used to filtering the psychic broadcasts of others, this will be quite a lot of new chatter to process and it can seem as though your once quiet mind is now buzzing with signal.

The new energy of your soul mate rushing into your field all at once may be overwhelming and you may experience physical symptoms and problems such as shaking, mild convulsions, vomiting, difficulty breathing, heart/chest pounding and contractions and ringing in the ears. This usually occurs at or after the first few meetings and then gets worked out soon through synchronization.

You will know your soul mate is the reason for these physical disturbances and they may seem negative, but they are normal. It is all part of your body attempting to embrace and contain the rest of your own energy – the other balance essence – the likes of which it has not physically experienced before, and so when it does meet on the physical plane the vastness of the soul essence overwhelms the physical body and since the body has no way to contain the essence because it is too vast, the body expels or throws off the energy through these physical problems. It is nothing to be alarmed about, but a natural part of the process of soul mate integration.

Once you get past this point after being synchronized, except for the occasional sleep problems when you want to stay up all night and play with each other instead of resting, there should not be any problems. I felt it was worth mentioning though, for those who are still in synchronization who might have some concerns on these physical quirks.

Soul Mate Relationships Grow Better With Time

Probably the most tell tale reported sign of soul mates is not in the eye gazing, energy, the sex, the physical body synchronizations, the closeness, the telepathy and psychic activity – but it is in the realization with time that the relationship is growing and getting better. Most non soul mate relationships work out that the relationship is great in the beginning and then slowly declines over time and the couple gets to know one another and notice over time they like each other less instead of more! Another common relationship theme is that the couple will build up closeness over time but will within the first year hit a wall or a plateau that they can not seem to surpass. They want to be closer and to move to the next level of intimacy but seem stuck at the same level…indefinitely.

A sign you are in a soul mate relationship is that over time it just gets better and better. All of it. The eye gazing is deeper and more intense and might also be accompanied by telepathy. The energy is stabilized and it feels better and better to be in the physical presence of your other. The voice of your other over time grows more and more in tune with your energy to the point that just the hearing of the voice with no mind to the words is completely comforting.

For most couples the sex peaks toward the beginning of the relationship and then tends to level out into something more sustainable and “attachment” based versus hotly passionate. This is not the case of soul mates. The sex over time just gets more and more pleasurable as the soul mate energy and bodies are more in tune to one another. A sexual experience will feel so incredible you will swear it is the most amazing experience to date, only to find a few weeks later, there is a whole new high and another experience that surpasses it. The sexual passion, and tension, and lets call it what it is – lust only grows with time. You find yourself turned on and attracted in new and more ways toward your soul mate as time goes on. Finally you get the the point that you no longer worry that those “love” inspired feelings are fleeting or temporary because history will have proved itself enough times that it is evident the love you share not only is not going any where, no dying, not fading, not filtering and not relenting – its flourishing and expanding. For many of you this will be the only experience in a relationship where the relationship consistently grew over time and did not digress or plateau or peak and remain at the same spot with no more room to grow. For many of you this will be the biggest sign, the surest indicator that you have found your soul mate.

Soul Mate Relationships are Rooted in Safety

You will feel a sense of deep safety that it is ok to be who you truly are, expose and disclose every side of your soul and know that your trust will never be used to hurt you. You will long to tell them those things light and dark which you have never shared with another being. They will accept you without judgement. You will know in the core of your gut, that this is a safe bet, a sure shot and you will tell them. They will never force or rush you to tell them anything. It will all unfold naturally and closely, and safely.

For many they report this as one of the very first strong signs that something is completely different with the relationship compared to past ones. Even before romance and from the very beginning a sense of freedom and safety is felt. ‘it feels so safe ” is what is experienced by both the male and female. For most this is the only and last relationship they will ever experience such a feeling of safety.

When you encounter these things in your relationship with one another, if this holds true for you, then you are experiencing the 111 soul mate vibration. You are  living  111  in the highest form.

If you are seeing 111, you may be on the path to soulmate discovery, at the lever least, self desivovery.

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Living 111

By April Riddle on 4/1/11

Living 111 is about living a life of transparency, your personal truth, and embracing conscious evolution.

My intention is to share how 111 and 1111 manifests in my life. It is my hope that others also in the 111 vibration, will in turn share their truth.

111 & 1111 Phenomenon

I have researched the phenomenon that is 111 and I know I am not alone in this experience. In fact over the years it is evident this vibration is sweeping across the consciousness of humanity, as the volumes of people experiencing 111 and 1111 has grown exponentially.

There are 111 web sites, forums, groups, online communities, fan pages and 111 evangalests and bloggers. We are all focused on interpreting the meanings of the 1111 occurrences   inn our lives. There is a lot of speculation regarding what these messages, coincidence and happenings might mean.

111 Vibration Amplified in the Year 2011

Now more than ever, since we are in the year of 2011 the 111 vibration is strong. The vibration is amplified by having the 2011 dates surrounding us to amplify the vibration.  Today at 11:11 the time stamp will read: 4/1/11 11:11 – now vibrationally that is very strong. This will be repeated all year and amplified each month on the first and eleventh days of the month and on the 1:11 and 11:11 time frequencies.

1111 Manifestation Portal

I believe the 1111 vibration is an extremely strong natural portal for manifestation, like a time warp if you will. If you can focus your thoughts and intentions purely during these vibrational moments, manifestation will transpire more powerfully and quickly than manifestation in the more traditional sense. A lot of people believe this inside, but don’t use the same terminology – instead they say “make a wish”.

Wishing on 1:11 and 11:11

Many, even non-spiritual people are compelled to “make a wish” when they happen to catch a 1:11 or 11:11 moment. They don’t know why they are compelled to but that when they happen upon these moments, wishing just feels natural. I like to post these 111 wishing moments on facebook to share with my friends. I always feel a sense of connection and comfort when others “like” my wish posts or consciously join me in a wish. I also enjoy when others in the vibration post the same – reminding me to “catch the wish”.

11, 111, 1111, 1:11, 11:11

What does it mean?

111 Soul Awakening

I believe fundamentally that these numbers correlate to truth and are both conscious and subconscious triggers to help connect us to our higher spiritual nature. One eleven and 1111, time sightings of 1:11 on the clock or 11:11 on the clock are messages to us to help awaken something within our souls, our divine blueprint, that we may not consciously have awareness of or remember, but that we feel inside something higher is calling. There is something to be done, something to remember, something to know – and we are so close to it, at the brink of remembering.

1111 On The Path

Personally, I have found that when I am uncertain about a thing and wonder about it in my mind, I am soon given a 111 confirmation of some sort, and as I take that path it tends to be the correct one. The reverse for this is true, when I am out of alignment, not living my truth as I should the 111’s are less prominent, and become less prevalent the further I get off the “path”. I view this as a literal message from the universe I am on the right course.

For a long time I wondered if 1111 appearances were a sign I was on the wrong path, such as a warning or flag that I need to make a change. It took some experimenting and paying a tremendous amount of attention to my random thoughts and observing all events, no matter how insignificant to see how they tied together as part of a larger whole. What I learned from this over time is that the universe is taking great care of me, I can trust it, and my physical earthly confirmation about following my truth is consistently revealed in these numbers.

Angel Meanings of 111

There have been articles written about Angel meanings for triple numbers like 111, 222, 444, and so on. They are not incredibly specific, but the consensus seems to be across what has been posted on the internet in groups and forums and articles, that 111 is a communication from source that you are on the right track (the same thing I discovered).

When I first came across that I wasn’t so sure. It seemed so simple. For all of the 111’s that were appearing in my life I really expected the message to be a little more profound, or special or specific. I thought “you are on the right track” as a message from source was a little, well…understated. I wasn’t sure that was right, and started experimenting in case it might actually be more like a warning. I eventually came to the same conclusion as everyone else. However understated, the 111 and 1111 and 1:11 and 11:11 confirmations are wake up calls to our higher selves as well as little notices from the universe we are on the right track.

It doesn’t seem so profound, but where it gets interesting is when you become more conscious of your thoughts during the drifting moments, the daydreams, just a split second before the confirmation – thats the message. You kind of need to mind your thoughts a bit and be able to learn to backtrack and upon a 111 sighting realize what you were just thinking about, dazing about, or dreaming about. Whatever that thing, concept, idea, feeling, emotion or notion was…if it was followed with the 111, then it is confirmed in truth – at least for me. It does take some time to master back-tracking previous thoughts and it can get a little confusing, but it gets easier with time. Our angels may be sending us messages, but it is our part to decode them. I am ever amused with the sense of humor innate to source.

111 Confirmations

When we are living in truth, even in small truths we can manage daily, our decisions are confirmed. This is what is meant by living 111.

Many of us have experienced these 111 confirmations and sighting in so many ways.

I personally have always been fond of the number 11, even since childhood. It, along with the number 4, has always been personally prevelant in my life.

Eleven Years of 111

In my late twenties, about eleven years ago (I am now 37), I began seeing more of 11, 111 and 1111 in my life. Sometimes it would be combinations of 11 or 111 plus other numbers. These would appear in addresses, phone numbers and coincidental things to my life.

The sightings then were noticeable in an interesting sort of way, but not to the degree that I took any sort of conscious action or moved toward research about it. I just thought to myself, well there is my 111 again, yeah that’s my special number…and went on about my business.

Re-Finding the 111

At that time I was having a slight spiritual re-awakening after getting a divorce from my first marriage. I felt freer to get back onto a more spiritually centered path and no longer had the vibrational resistance of a partner who was not in alignment with spiritual concepts. I got back into a more spiritual vibration. That period with some 111 sightings (maybe 2-3 times a month) lasted for about two years – while I was single.

When I remarried about 2 years later, the 111’s died down in my personal life for about five years during my second marriage. They would appear somewhat frequently in my professional life during that time, but their significance faded from personal, love and spiritual life up until recently…specifically in the last year 2010-2011 .

Over the last year the 11:11 and 1:11 and elevens in my life have become increasingly more prominent. I would happen to be looking at the time, or glance at the clock just as it hit the elevens. This happened enough, for long enough, that I realized it was the 111 further revealing itself in my life. Prior to that I had never experienced anything with 111 on the clock or in greater ways than mere number sequences.

When it began to permeate the clocks and I would be called from my sleep, the middle of a task, conversation, or even relaxation to momentarily stare at the clock right as it struck 1:11 or 11:11, I really couldn’t pass it off any more as just my “eleven” thing. I realized there was more to it and I was more passively accepting and observing to see “where it was going”.

That was two years ago, and where it has gone since – in short, through the roof. Progressively over the last two years the appearance of 11, 1111, 111111, 1:11 and 11:11 in my life has truly gotten to an intense and unusual level. I am seeing 111 and seeing 1111 all the time now.  It is so prominent now with me and around me that it has begun to appear in the lives of others I am close to.

After 7 years and 77 days (it just so happened to add up to those numbers…) my case for the filing of divorce was filed with the court – on 3/31/11 or broken down more simply, 33111, thirty three being a spiritual master number followed by 111 being a spiritual, angelic number – certainly a confirmation if I have seen one.

Would I consider that marriage a mistake? No. Everything happens and unfolds as it is meant to. Curiously, again with no special planning in mind, the date that we married happened to be 1/10/2004…which broken down is 1102004 – in which case my favorite personal power numbers 11 and 4 appear at the beginning and end of the date string. The fruit of this union gifted us with a wonderful son, and for that was certainly meant to be, in the season that it was designed for.

1111 As a Solitary Path

I have been contemplating seriously how the 111 vibration is stronger with me when I am not married. I am contemplating if in fact, this may be part of a larger message to me that my path here is solitary. It could be argued that the 111 was reduced during these unions because I integrated spiritually resistant energies into my consciousness; or to put it bluntly was simply with the “wrong man” twice now…and that in being with the wrong men both energetically and spiritually, my personal truth was diluted to the degree my higher self was not completely plugged into the ‘source’.

That seems like a fancily worded form of “blame”. Only I am responsible for my soul, spirituality, truth, consciousness and personal evolution. To insinuate any divergence from that path was a result of being with the wrong guy is to blame the symptoms for the disease. The truth is more likely that I was not following my truth in the first place, and chose partners who were not energetic, or spiritual vibrational matches to me, and as a result of those choices I lowered my own vibration to enable those attractions to sustain. Inevitably though, both times, my vibration returned to home – when I departed those unions finding my way back to the 111.


Soul Mates and 111

There is a lot of speculation and experience coming through now about people connecting to their soul mates and the relationship to 111. Read about soul mates and 111 , the 111 soul mate vibration, and finding and recognizing your soul mate in my 111 Soul Mates  Post.  For many this is the year, the year of 2011 that they will be most energetically and spiritually amplified to be in the vibration to attract in their soul mate. I did.

Recent 1111 Clues

I could write all day about all of the different ways 11, and 1.11 and 11.11 and 1:11 and 11:11 appears in my life, and will mention them here on as they arise, but for this initial introduction I did not want to get too deep into the sighting details.

Recently since the 1111 sightings have been so intense I have felt compelled to action and have begun to photo log the more unusual occurrences. Here is my page dedicated to my 111 sightings.

Living 111 and Sharing

I never planned on writing on the internet about my experiences with 111. I never dreamed I would be sharing such a seemingly strange and personal thing, that I would have on 4/1/11 decided I absolutely HAD TO SHARE THIS and on a whim started a wordpress blog and bought the domain for a home to share these experiences. I also never dreamed that by finally stepping back into my truth with my impeding divorce that I would also get back my passion for writing. It is far easier to write and speak and advise of truth when you are actually living your life in truth and transparency, than just talking about it.

I feel at this point 111 in my life  is so prevalent that to NOT take some sort of action would be out of alignment.  So on this day 4/1/11, I have launched and shared my truth. What is your 1111? Are you living 111? Are you experiencing the 1111 vibration? Are you looking for your soul mate? Have you found them?

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