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Tag Archives: i see 1:11

Living 111

By April Riddle on 4/1/11

Living 111 is about living a life of transparency, your personal truth, and embracing conscious evolution.

My intention is to share how 111 and 1111 manifests in my life. It is my hope that others also in the 111 vibration, will in turn share their truth.

111 & 1111 Phenomenon

I have researched the phenomenon that is 111 and I know I am not alone in this experience. In fact over the years it is evident this vibration is sweeping across the consciousness of humanity, as the volumes of people experiencing 111 and 1111 has grown exponentially.

There are 111 web sites, forums, groups, online communities, fan pages and 111 evangalests and bloggers. We are all focused on interpreting the meanings of the 1111 occurrences   inn our lives. There is a lot of speculation regarding what these messages, coincidence and happenings might mean.

111 Vibration Amplified in the Year 2011

Now more than ever, since we are in the year of 2011 the 111 vibration is strong. The vibration is amplified by having the 2011 dates surrounding us to amplify the vibration.  Today at 11:11 the time stamp will read: 4/1/11 11:11 – now vibrationally that is very strong. This will be repeated all year and amplified each month on the first and eleventh days of the month and on the 1:11 and 11:11 time frequencies.

1111 Manifestation Portal

I believe the 1111 vibration is an extremely strong natural portal for manifestation, like a time warp if you will. If you can focus your thoughts and intentions purely during these vibrational moments, manifestation will transpire more powerfully and quickly than manifestation in the more traditional sense. A lot of people believe this inside, but don’t use the same terminology – instead they say “make a wish”.

Wishing on 1:11 and 11:11

Many, even non-spiritual people are compelled to “make a wish” when they happen to catch a 1:11 or 11:11 moment. They don’t know why they are compelled to but that when they happen upon these moments, wishing just feels natural. I like to post these 111 wishing moments on facebook to share with my friends. I always feel a sense of connection and comfort when others “like” my wish posts or consciously join me in a wish. I also enjoy when others in the vibration post the same – reminding me to “catch the wish”.

11, 111, 1111, 1:11, 11:11

What does it mean?

111 Soul Awakening

I believe fundamentally that these numbers correlate to truth and are both conscious and subconscious triggers to help connect us to our higher spiritual nature. One eleven and 1111, time sightings of 1:11 on the clock or 11:11 on the clock are messages to us to help awaken something within our souls, our divine blueprint, that we may not consciously have awareness of or remember, but that we feel inside something higher is calling. There is something to be done, something to remember, something to know – and we are so close to it, at the brink of remembering.

1111 On The Path

Personally, I have found that when I am uncertain about a thing and wonder about it in my mind, I am soon given a 111 confirmation of some sort, and as I take that path it tends to be the correct one. The reverse for this is true, when I am out of alignment, not living my truth as I should the 111’s are less prominent, and become less prevalent the further I get off the “path”. I view this as a literal message from the universe I am on the right course.

For a long time I wondered if 1111 appearances were a sign I was on the wrong path, such as a warning or flag that I need to make a change. It took some experimenting and paying a tremendous amount of attention to my random thoughts and observing all events, no matter how insignificant to see how they tied together as part of a larger whole. What I learned from this over time is that the universe is taking great care of me, I can trust it, and my physical earthly confirmation about following my truth is consistently revealed in these numbers.

Angel Meanings of 111

There have been articles written about Angel meanings for triple numbers like 111, 222, 444, and so on. They are not incredibly specific, but the consensus seems to be across what has been posted on the internet in groups and forums and articles, that 111 is a communication from source that you are on the right track (the same thing I discovered).

When I first came across that I wasn’t so sure. It seemed so simple. For all of the 111’s that were appearing in my life I really expected the message to be a little more profound, or special or specific. I thought “you are on the right track” as a message from source was a little, well…understated. I wasn’t sure that was right, and started experimenting in case it might actually be more like a warning. I eventually came to the same conclusion as everyone else. However understated, the 111 and 1111 and 1:11 and 11:11 confirmations are wake up calls to our higher selves as well as little notices from the universe we are on the right track.

It doesn’t seem so profound, but where it gets interesting is when you become more conscious of your thoughts during the drifting moments, the daydreams, just a split second before the confirmation – thats the message. You kind of need to mind your thoughts a bit and be able to learn to backtrack and upon a 111 sighting realize what you were just thinking about, dazing about, or dreaming about. Whatever that thing, concept, idea, feeling, emotion or notion was…if it was followed with the 111, then it is confirmed in truth – at least for me. It does take some time to master back-tracking previous thoughts and it can get a little confusing, but it gets easier with time. Our angels may be sending us messages, but it is our part to decode them. I am ever amused with the sense of humor innate to source.

111 Confirmations

When we are living in truth, even in small truths we can manage daily, our decisions are confirmed. This is what is meant by living 111.

Many of us have experienced these 111 confirmations and sighting in so many ways.

I personally have always been fond of the number 11, even since childhood. It, along with the number 4, has always been personally prevelant in my life.

Eleven Years of 111

In my late twenties, about eleven years ago (I am now 37), I began seeing more of 11, 111 and 1111 in my life. Sometimes it would be combinations of 11 or 111 plus other numbers. These would appear in addresses, phone numbers and coincidental things to my life.

The sightings then were noticeable in an interesting sort of way, but not to the degree that I took any sort of conscious action or moved toward research about it. I just thought to myself, well there is my 111 again, yeah that’s my special number…and went on about my business.

Re-Finding the 111

At that time I was having a slight spiritual re-awakening after getting a divorce from my first marriage. I felt freer to get back onto a more spiritually centered path and no longer had the vibrational resistance of a partner who was not in alignment with spiritual concepts. I got back into a more spiritual vibration. That period with some 111 sightings (maybe 2-3 times a month) lasted for about two years – while I was single.

When I remarried about 2 years later, the 111’s died down in my personal life for about five years during my second marriage. They would appear somewhat frequently in my professional life during that time, but their significance faded from personal, love and spiritual life up until recently…specifically in the last year 2010-2011 .

Over the last year the 11:11 and 1:11 and elevens in my life have become increasingly more prominent. I would happen to be looking at the time, or glance at the clock just as it hit the elevens. This happened enough, for long enough, that I realized it was the 111 further revealing itself in my life. Prior to that I had never experienced anything with 111 on the clock or in greater ways than mere number sequences.

When it began to permeate the clocks and I would be called from my sleep, the middle of a task, conversation, or even relaxation to momentarily stare at the clock right as it struck 1:11 or 11:11, I really couldn’t pass it off any more as just my “eleven” thing. I realized there was more to it and I was more passively accepting and observing to see “where it was going”.

That was two years ago, and where it has gone since – in short, through the roof. Progressively over the last two years the appearance of 11, 1111, 111111, 1:11 and 11:11 in my life has truly gotten to an intense and unusual level. I am seeing 111 and seeing 1111 all the time now.  It is so prominent now with me and around me that it has begun to appear in the lives of others I am close to.

After 7 years and 77 days (it just so happened to add up to those numbers…) my case for the filing of divorce was filed with the court – on 3/31/11 or broken down more simply, 33111, thirty three being a spiritual master number followed by 111 being a spiritual, angelic number – certainly a confirmation if I have seen one.

Would I consider that marriage a mistake? No. Everything happens and unfolds as it is meant to. Curiously, again with no special planning in mind, the date that we married happened to be 1/10/2004…which broken down is 1102004 – in which case my favorite personal power numbers 11 and 4 appear at the beginning and end of the date string. The fruit of this union gifted us with a wonderful son, and for that was certainly meant to be, in the season that it was designed for.

1111 As a Solitary Path

I have been contemplating seriously how the 111 vibration is stronger with me when I am not married. I am contemplating if in fact, this may be part of a larger message to me that my path here is solitary. It could be argued that the 111 was reduced during these unions because I integrated spiritually resistant energies into my consciousness; or to put it bluntly was simply with the “wrong man” twice now…and that in being with the wrong men both energetically and spiritually, my personal truth was diluted to the degree my higher self was not completely plugged into the ‘source’.

That seems like a fancily worded form of “blame”. Only I am responsible for my soul, spirituality, truth, consciousness and personal evolution. To insinuate any divergence from that path was a result of being with the wrong guy is to blame the symptoms for the disease. The truth is more likely that I was not following my truth in the first place, and chose partners who were not energetic, or spiritual vibrational matches to me, and as a result of those choices I lowered my own vibration to enable those attractions to sustain. Inevitably though, both times, my vibration returned to home – when I departed those unions finding my way back to the 111.


Soul Mates and 111

There is a lot of speculation and experience coming through now about people connecting to their soul mates and the relationship to 111. Read about soul mates and 111 , the 111 soul mate vibration, and finding and recognizing your soul mate in my 111 Soul Mates  Post.  For many this is the year, the year of 2011 that they will be most energetically and spiritually amplified to be in the vibration to attract in their soul mate. I did.

Recent 1111 Clues

I could write all day about all of the different ways 11, and 1.11 and 11.11 and 1:11 and 11:11 appears in my life, and will mention them here on as they arise, but for this initial introduction I did not want to get too deep into the sighting details.

Recently since the 1111 sightings have been so intense I have felt compelled to action and have begun to photo log the more unusual occurrences. Here is my page dedicated to my 111 sightings.

Living 111 and Sharing

I never planned on writing on the internet about my experiences with 111. I never dreamed I would be sharing such a seemingly strange and personal thing, that I would have on 4/1/11 decided I absolutely HAD TO SHARE THIS and on a whim started a wordpress blog and bought the domain for a home to share these experiences. I also never dreamed that by finally stepping back into my truth with my impeding divorce that I would also get back my passion for writing. It is far easier to write and speak and advise of truth when you are actually living your life in truth and transparency, than just talking about it.

I feel at this point 111 in my life  is so prevalent that to NOT take some sort of action would be out of alignment.  So on this day 4/1/11, I have launched and shared my truth. What is your 1111? Are you living 111? Are you experiencing the 1111 vibration? Are you looking for your soul mate? Have you found them?

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